I am Back

on Jumat, 29 September 2017

Hayooo...siapa yang disini pernah
ngaku ingin jadi writters as penulis ?(#angkat jempolnya ups maksudnya angkat tangannya 😁)
A : Gua angkat tangan deh,
B : Masa sih ?? I don't believe, cos
if I tell u to write really hard, like going to move on from MANTAN ... hi..ho. (#itu sih cuma cerita lama).

I think one of the writing challanges is feel, yuapz that is feel, feel lazy guys not feel love. Yes it's lazy , sometimes juga bosan, iya bosan cos sama pacar aja kadang bosan kok ... hihi. Maybe, it hasn't been  able to time and good place guys... (lu mau nulis apa ngelamar pacar ea ???).

Oia guys, I want to asks something to
u. have u been merasa terlalu nyaman atau justru saking nyamannya, lu tenggelam pada masalah-masalah yang bikin lu baper. Yang intinya pada waktu itu nggak tau mau ngapain intinya cuma nafas, makan, bisa ketawa-ketiwi aja udah happy pokonya hidup aja gua dan karena saking nyamanya justru malah bikin lu sakit. Most of us , probably never. As I am experiencing now, gua lupa ama hoby yang selama ini gua jalani .. Yess it's writting. But fortunely saya masih sadar. Today I begin to writting and blogging again di blog yang sudah usang ini karena hampir satu tahun blog ini usang tanpa huruf-huruf. Maybe, this posting is the first posting in this years... it's 2017. Dulu blog gua rame kagak kaya tahun ini  sepi, mungkin hantu saja males lihat blog gue, lha wong sepi banget. Kadang
yang nulis aja aja suka ngilang kagak
jelas kemana and tau-tau nongol lagi...
ahhaa just kidding guys. And after few days I open this blog again , although intially I confuse What must I to do, not inspiration yang penting
gua hadir dulu di ini blog biar kagak
kayak rumah kosong .... hihi lebay juga
ya gue (baru nyadar lu udah dari dulu
keles). First, I want to write about u,
yuapz u ...kamu. Many story in my
head. How about we meet and etc. I can writte that by full. I had been begin all about u, but I'm stop cos I dont want again, if only i writte about u make me shadow u in front me, although in fact u not in front me. Not lossing word but I lossing my belief to spell every words. Maybe not today, maybevtomorrow or the day after tomorrow guys.

Maybe it's enough for today guys, Cos I verry tired to writting this,
who if i writting not done until
tomorrow ...ahhaa padahal intinya sih
karena gua gak punya skill lagi. Maaf
ya guys mungkin tulisan ku diatas gak
jelas alias ngalor ngidul ora genah.
Byeee ...

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